
标题: √心情不好, 添词弄首 RAP 发泄下 DisOrder Me [打印本页]

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-1 10:16:54     标题: √心情不好, 添词弄首 RAP 发泄下 DisOrder Me

伴奏是 I don't wanna know ,但我添了词弄成了 RAP, 发泄下对身边的人的不满

为什么讨厌的人总像苍蝇一样赶都赶不走, 但让我觉得安全的人却要离开...

PS, 有点粗口倾向, 大家别太当回事

试听地址: http://fc.332.com/play.aspx?reg_id=241465&song_id=1166754

disorder me

who leave the society & reality to me
what am I suppose to erase the fear
people in the world seem all being busy
what a shame no one knows they test the shit

just the one's here to set to there
maybe got no chance and he won't back here
set a goal the you go but you never achieve it
can't help but sigh that it's the denstiny

what a ***ing joke making fun of me
we are living while making our time to kill
cheer simlie happy easy but still got nothing
the whole world ***ing disorders me

people launch funny words missle by missle
every now or then even show their muscles
oh ***e on please are you angle or devil
say that one more time just like a XXX

some bitches seem are 20 years old
I wonder when they plan to learn to grow
don't know how to respect even by little
no faith no life they have to flow

well look at here that's the people around us
don't you think it's extrime ***ing ridiculous
bitches without soul think they're bad ass but someone's still suffering hard times

yeah that's the truth you know
don't let go don't let show don't make the messed world known
let it sucks leave it sucks
just keeping it as the earth turns and spins

I did have a dream but here no more
hey I know I'm soft
but the world turns to cold for what
what we call job and survive and ***ing love

disorder me...
disorder me...
disorder me...

hearing outside drum like burning fire
bitches offer me a good nightmare
rent a panion so act a ***poser
yeah I see cleanlly you'll be a loser

looking down upon me said I'm a freshmen
just cos you'd ***ed 5 girls or women?
giving up all but begging your parents for money for another abortion

why don't you tell us,
why don't you be yourself,be an idiot it's not that bad
so you won't hurt people innonect
you don't know how they felt when you threw those shits

*** U damn it those trash
in fact you're playing the role of ash
my life is too short to hold back so please *** off and never get back

disorder me...
disorder me...
disorder me...

finnaly please let me make a wish
I wish you will enjoy their fish and chips
big ben london eye and the famous brigde
I'll be here sciently waiting for the race
I know I do I owe you a lot
every little thing even you forgot
I pray for GOD
to the stars above
I will see your face in the crowd soon

disorder me...
disorder me...
disorder me...

[ 本帖最后由 Billie.J 于 2007-7-1 23:10 编辑 ]
作者: smallpotato    时间: 2007-7-1 13:20:12


let it sucks leave it sucks
just keeping it as the earth turns and spins


作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-1 18:13:12

HOHO,是啊, 不过没什么啦, 去就去了...
作者: Billie.J    时间: 2007-7-1 23:09:51


作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-2 11:12:29

谢谢 BJ 版的鼓励~~~!!!

因为我们学校的网络问题,我必须要在6 点到 6点半左右去传,不然肯定不成功.
作者: 唐棠初    时间: 2007-7-2 18:08:23

好声音= = 俺喜欢不屑的语气~~~


俺有y y f c......所以~~~~收走啦`~~~嘎嘎~~~

[ 本帖最后由 唐棠初 于 2007-7-2 18:11 编辑 ]
作者: lsjhz    时间: 2007-7-2 22:40:12

这两天心情糟透了,JJ也想吼吼,米人一起来呀 只好一个人鬼苦狼嚎了,呵呵~~
作者: lsjhz    时间: 2007-7-2 22:41:47     标题: 帮弟弟传下附件~~


[ 本帖最后由 lsjhz 于 2007-7-2 22:45 编辑 ]
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-3 07:30:00



作者: suchjerry    时间: 2007-7-4 02:08:09

作者: 唐棠初    时间: 2007-7-5 14:41:23

俺有点UPSET= =
SO听歌又来= =
越听越有感觉= =
作者: Dirrt    时间: 2007-7-6 19:53:49

看来问题是越来越严重了哈............ 虽然爱情都是自私的.........还是想劝你看开点....师父..难道就真的不能解决吗..并不是那么困难的事情吧...........
so funny..........


so many bitches so many 1234ing damn things uha?

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-7 08:07:39

一句话, 无论两情长久与否, 就是在朝朝暮暮.

你那句是古人拿来自慰的. 现在是 21 世纪

说回来, 我现在已经想的很开, 没什么感觉了, 反正自己有很多事情做

PS, 说到歌曲, 写完这首歌有点筋疲力尽,那个高音并不费劲但已经是极限了...
作者: Dirrt    时间: 2007-7-7 08:17:05


[ 本帖最后由 Dirrt 于 2007-7-7 10:36 编辑 ]
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-7 11:28:37

说的好,  当然没必要. 我TM才没把谁走谁留当回事呢, 只不过借机会让你们回回帖罢了

女人也应该以事业为重,该 出国的出国, 该 博士的去博士,

大家都以事业为重. 学生以学习为重. 工作的人以工作为重, 什么爱情啊感情啊亲情啊 全是 胡扯, 调剂生活用的. 我们的使命就是事业.
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-7 11:30:36

再说我这首歌主要是写给我们宿舍楼下面那帮没教养的人, 主题也不在什么破爱情上吧?
作者: wl_forever    时间: 2007-7-7 11:38:26

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-7-7 12:12:29

没事, 只是冰冰无意间刺到我痛处了, 我个道歉吧...
作者: 西城的天下    时间: 2007-7-8 13:57:53

作者: strongm0002    时间: 2019-9-16 09:21:02

为什么讨厌的人总像苍蝇一样赶都赶不走, 但让我觉得安全的人却要离开..
作者: 酒吞童子    时间: 2021-3-14 14:15:29

作者: 南国有小歌    时间: 2021-4-26 15:13:10

创作需要热情 再接再厉

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