


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] All of Me attachment  ...2 adonis 2015-4-8 132569 kimoo6 2015-10-2 21:44:31
[翻唱] 翻唱的bangbang attachment jet-fat 2015-4-6 42035 霍振兴520 2015-10-25 00:15:12
[翻唱] Stay With Me attachment adonis 2015-3-30 71428 黑暗帝皇 2015-4-24 20:48:52
[翻唱] 情色之歌------Talking Bodying~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ attachment 殺手 2015-3-28 92727 yzlx1225 2016-5-23 10:54:37
[翻唱] 一唱之下,居然这么费劲,真是低估了这首...To be with you... attachment rhinewine 2015-3-26 31259 熊猫Shirley 2015-4-5 20:22:44
[翻唱] If i die young - 小晶 attachment Christineyen 2015-3-26 51306 kimoo6 2015-9-28 19:08:32
[翻唱] Thinking out loud 翻唱 attachment  ...2 zhi1234512345 2015-3-24 132404 chelsea8k16 2016-12-29 17:09:51
[翻唱] 因为一直对托尔金先生的中土世界中毒不浅,所以录了这首【May it be】。。。 attachment  ...2 liro 2015-3-24 102385 pArAlLeL1211 2016-7-18 12:02:33
[翻唱] Smile - Kyle attachment jerryshi 2015-3-20 11178 AllByMyself 2015-3-21 14:56:09
[翻唱] The Last Goodbye attach_img 半入黄土 2015-3-16 31490 AllByMyself 2015-3-19 01:31:38
[翻唱] la dona è mobile女人善变 - 陈飞虎版 attachment zhuzhuj 2015-3-15 2963 AllByMyself 2015-3-20 02:52:38
[翻唱] Maroon 5 - <Animals> 来嗨一下 attachment  ...2 魃斗妖 2015-3-15 172949 kimoo6 2015-9-28 15:28:51
[翻唱] 没金币了。。发个帖子,请大家无视,谢谢 attachment jr3749352123 2015-3-13 41433 jr3749352123 2015-3-19 11:27:24
[翻唱] 唱的。。ALL ABOUT THAT BASS attachment heatlevel  ...23 山由君 2015-3-7 244653 x911124 2016-6-19 18:42:27
[翻唱] I love you for sentimental reasons 慢爵士翻唱 attachment chur096 2015-3-7 82084 zf19860611 2024-4-24 22:56:17
[翻唱] 偶翻段90年代Newjack风 Color me badd - Sexual Capacity attachment ⑤★昱☆⑤ 2015-3-7 21115 ⑤★昱☆⑤ 2015-3-9 15:53:59
[翻唱] 很久没有发歌了,心血来潮录了【Young And Beautiful】,凑个热闹。。。。。。 attachment liro 2015-3-7 92166 傻了吧唧 2015-10-2 16:19:45
[翻唱] 百度Celine Dion吧2015年度法语贺岁大合唱—— Le miracle(爱的奇迹) attachment  ...2 琳猫猫 2015-3-4 102322 琳猫猫 2015-4-10 11:39:40
[翻唱] 【饭饭】新唱的霉霉You belong with me,大神们给点意见 attach_img  ...2 cdfanfan 2015-2-28 122550 strongm0002 2017-1-2 22:54:27
[翻唱] Ed Shreen - 《Make it rain》 attach_img xiongrulin 2015-2-26 62224 shine52033 2015-4-12 18:49:31
[翻唱] [翻唱]Dont know why attachment CathyX 2015-2-25 4937 楚蓝青 2015-4-24 22:33:05
[翻唱] 一人单挑一帮!分角色翻唱One day more attachment 刘庚铨AceLau 2015-2-23 41541 sjxu0520 2015-2-24 21:10:16
[翻唱] Just a little bit of your heart attachment Vivndodo 2015-2-20 01426 Vivndodo 2015-2-20 23:44:53
[翻唱] Taylor Swift 《blank space》 男版 attachment  ...2 yeile 2015-2-19 134354 wangrui110 2016-6-3 16:51:58
[翻唱] DIDN'T WE ALMOST HAVE IT ALL-FB attachment fantasyboy 2015-2-18 01125 fantasyboy 2015-2-18 12:32:57
[翻唱] 翻唱Nat King Cole的《For sentimetal reasons》 attachment klymd 2015-2-16 2893 成爹一矮短小楼 2015-3-22 09:10:07
[翻唱] blank space attachment ringkey 2015-2-16 31571 ringkey 2015-5-5 23:37:00
[翻唱] 翻唱Se (Cinema Paradiso) - 天堂电影院 attachment Christangel 2015-2-15 01140 Christangel 2015-2-15 01:56:38
[翻唱] Big White Room covered by Shian attachment adamyou 2015-2-11 61785 ``pieces 2015-3-25 10:12:33
[翻唱] 翻唱齐豫《Donde Voy》 attachment 泊雅伦 2015-2-8 2986 泊雅伦 2015-2-23 12:07:03
[翻唱] Everything Will Flow attachment zczytcrf 2015-2-8 01241 zczytcrf 2015-2-8 00:53:05
[翻唱] rolling in the deep attachment  ...2 qiwe 2015-2-3 134548 zf19860611 2024-4-24 22:57:45
[翻唱] 新人第二贴 - 激情的 Vivir mi vida attachment robertolee 2015-2-1 0633 robertolee 2015-2-1 23:10:54
[翻唱] Cups attachment maneater 2015-1-31 11355 hahhah 2015-4-9 20:17:58
[翻唱] 翻唱经典爵士Fever,Elvis版本 attachment zeldaanzi 2015-1-30 21145 zwy810905 2015-6-18 01:25:17
[翻唱] 翻唱Jar of hearts attachment zeldaanzi 2015-1-30 01072 zeldaanzi 2015-1-30 11:26:53
[翻唱] 潜水多年第一次发帖,翻唱Lorde热单Royals,希望喜欢~ attachment zeldaanzi 2015-1-30 01095 zeldaanzi 2015-1-30 11:24:19
[翻唱] 【中文填词】love the way you lie part2 attachment seeviacai 2015-1-28 01608 seeviacai 2015-1-28 22:10:58
[翻唱] Everytime I look at you 来自Il Divo attachment nosetoucher 2015-1-28 41579 nosetoucher 2017-8-28 18:30:02
[翻唱] 天堂电影院主题歌 Cinema Paradiso 来自Josh Groban attachment nosetoucher 2015-1-28 61536 兮若隅 2015-2-19 01:00:00

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