


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 【MUSICAL】WICKED 邪恶女巫 Defying Gravity attach_img djpanda 2014-11-8 72134 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 17:25:12
[翻唱] 重发 UNINVITED 中东风情摇滚 attachment  ...2 djpanda 2016-1-25 133521 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 17:19:37
[翻唱] All by myself attachment nlddbcm 2016-7-20 21173 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 16:58:15
[翻唱] have ever been in love-男的唱女神席帝的歌也是蛮拼的,celine diion attachment 阿迪网球鞋 2016-9-8 31491 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 16:45:16
[翻唱] 《Garota de Ipanema》葡萄牙文翻唱《The girl from Ipanema》 attachment dondonfish 2012-11-21 72159 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 16:04:12
[翻唱] 和小美女一起高唱金坷垃 Adventure of a Lifetime attachment vincewei 2016-11-16 51214 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 16:00:12
[翻唱] [Les Misérables] On My Own attachment lintcinma 2017-1-1 21198 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 14:16:44
[翻唱] 暮光主题曲 attachment jeang 2014-9-27 71736 zhudaye 2017-1-3 13:37:09
[翻唱] crush-jennifer paige attachment 娴情 2012-1-6 92018 zhudaye 2017-1-3 13:36:04
[翻唱] Maybe attachment lupugan 2013-6-14 11589 strongm0002 2017-1-3 05:46:53
[翻唱] Payphone---Maroon 5 边学边录的 attachment maneater 2013-5-16 71668 strongm0002 2017-1-3 05:28:45
[翻唱] 【男生翻唱】DJ got us(falin‘in love)亚瑟儿最爱歌之一---by Jesse attachment  ...23 jarrettjess 2011-6-7 205888 strongm0002 2017-1-3 05:27:16
[翻唱] Give me one reason attachment  ...2 爱的和谐 2010-12-10 112854 strongm0002 2017-1-3 05:24:58
[翻唱] ★★PRICE TAG★★ ft ZORRO哥 含rap版(rap唱的太烂,请轻拍0 attachment zorro66 2013-1-24 31659 strongm0002 2017-1-3 05:20:52
[翻唱] LOVE ME TENDER 老派蓝调 attachment zzzlll 2009-4-19 61759 strongm0002 2017-1-3 05:17:47
[翻唱] The Day You Went Away-布丁 attachment HelenDean 2015-7-4 91395 strongm0002 2017-1-2 23:28:02
[翻唱] 哈哈!终于完成了!不会后期制作!Taio Cruz - Break Your Heart新人抱着学习的心态!请懂行的朋友多指教啊!!! attachment  ...23 amloveme 2010-9-3 205053 strongm0002 2017-1-2 23:26:13
[翻唱] 放个稍微有点老的哈哈哈哈【Body shots】 attachment  ...2 山由君 2014-2-19 102376 strongm0002 2017-1-2 23:25:08
[翻唱] [DayT] Booty Music - Git Fresh 歌词很黄很暴力 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 DayT 2009-7-19 9121512 strongm0002 2017-1-2 23:07:30
[翻唱] The Look of Love十周年纪念版本 attach_img  ...2 djpanda 2015-8-13 182983 strongm0002 2017-1-2 23:01:13
[翻唱] 仙来最强dead and gone-T.I feat Justin Timberlake attachment  ...2 edisonye 2011-12-4 173709 strongm0002 2017-1-2 22:58:07
[翻唱] 【饭饭】新唱的霉霉You belong with me,大神们给点意见 attach_img  ...2 cdfanfan 2015-2-28 122770 strongm0002 2017-1-2 22:54:27
[翻唱] [翻唱] 首次发歌 !小女子斗胆翻唱take a bow 献给Rihanna 我的爱!!! attachment  ...2 rehab99 2010-8-4 174404 strongm0002 2017-1-2 22:50:32
[翻唱] GONE(原唱Sync N)------个人觉得是超好的翻唱啊~! attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 阮阮 2009-7-8 7215509 strongm0002 2017-1-2 22:46:01
[翻唱] 翻唱-*&…………%¥ mad world attachment  ...2 三四饭堂 2009-6-3 153407 shuishuixx 2016-12-30 21:15:02
[翻唱] Thinking out loud 翻唱 attachment  ...2 zhi1234512345 2015-3-24 132662 chelsea8k16 2016-12-29 17:09:51
[翻唱] One more night - Maroon 5 玛丽红最新专《过度走光》2单《玩摸奶》汗我这个效果 估计和原唱没多大关系了 骚当的鸭嗓子谁能模仿啊 我汗 attachment heatlevel  ...23 猪姆哥 2012-6-27 246212 chelsea8k16 2016-12-29 16:42:15
[翻唱] i'm not the only one attachment xieshulei 2015-12-3 41709 chelsea8k16 2016-12-29 16:30:45
[翻唱] 一个人过节充满怨念的后果《Moon River》 attachment  ...2 jiayi8180 2013-6-12 113868 possessqiu 2016-12-27 12:46:17
[翻唱] 斗胆翻唱了mariah carey的 hero 么么么么么哒 attachment  ...2 tahuhu 2015-10-30 183429 strongm0002 2016-12-26 20:23:08
[翻唱] 再来Creep attachment liuzaitz 2015-12-3 21102 strongm0002 2016-12-26 20:12:59
[翻唱] 电影《面纱》片尾曲法文版--A la claire fontaine attachment SweetieSwifty 2014-12-18 31669 strongm0002 2016-12-26 20:09:02
[翻唱] 买了个新麦克,又录了一遍one more night,Maroon 5 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 irene2070 2012-12-15 407705 janewuyu 2016-12-25 15:52:15
[翻唱] See You Again attachment HelenDean 2015-7-4 81421 strongm0002 2016-12-21 13:15:09
[翻唱] little thing-one direction attachment T.G.I.F 2014-12-16 41469 一一123456 2016-12-21 00:30:52
[翻唱] I Need A Doctor(FEAT熊猫)——————TJ OCEAN attachment  ...2 TJ ocean 2011-5-16 174473 strongm0002 2016-12-19 20:11:09
[翻唱] Mocking bird--(REMIX better in time)--Eminem---TJ attachment  ...2 TJ ocean 2011-8-20 113304 strongm0002 2016-12-18 22:13:30
[翻唱] √Gimme more - Britney Spears (做了好多效果,和原唱不一样了) attachment agree  ...23456 jessicaok 2007-10-26 5812296 strongm0002 2016-12-18 20:34:49
[翻唱] 非唐僧版Only you 有兴趣来听听 嘿嘿 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 SteiveFantasy 2008-12-23 5012614 strongm0002 2016-12-18 18:51:21
[翻唱] autumn leaves 的法语版 les feuilles mortes attachment heatlevel  ...23 timmyyf 2011-10-30 204960 strongm0002 2016-12-18 18:48:06

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