


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 令人大跌眼镜的串烧翻唱 令你听到吐 attachment  ...2 jet-fat 2007-10-19 113142 strongm0002 2019-9-23 21:19:43
[翻唱] √[翻唱]《eden》- oldman 男声版莎拉布莱蔓 attachment oldman 2007-10-12 92580 strongm0002 2019-9-23 21:03:04
√[翻唱]MAX/MSP制作★Hold You Down★Asia爱孝利ft.改改★JenniferLopez&FatJoe  ...234 改行卖啥呢 2006-8-24 336620 strongm0002 2019-9-23 20:59:14
[翻唱] 跟不明男声合唱的MY HUMP(这男声是谁啊??伴奏自带??) attachment  ...2 若水沉沙 2007-7-21 194403 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:41:35
[翻唱] Fort Minor - In Stereo attachment kamikaze2007 2007-9-23 21859 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:39:32
[翻唱] √乡村◆B.fame.F◆皮皮《I'm from the country》祝STEP生日快乐 attachment  ...2 皮皮09 2007-10-12 134055 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:37:35
√[翻唱]the way ——fast ball 乐队——送7月生日的朋友-annbo  ...234 annbo 2006-7-17 356374 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:34:26
[翻唱] √[翻唱]非降调版-welcome to my life-for 白咒‘s birthday attachment  ...23 annbo 2006-8-15 265486 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:33:13
[翻唱] √★WL.Group★AC专辑始动,封面+主打ANGELS ON MY SHOULER ant=cos 2007-10-6 62960 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:31:47
√[翻唱]五一放假回來的獻禮★Colour Everywhere★ Deana Carter  ...23 ilovefabian 2006-5-9 255363 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:29:40
√[翻唱]Everytime - Misssprout  ...23456..8 bluespace123 2006-1-17 7211378 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:27:51
√[翻唱]Have yourself a merry little christmas..转啊..参加圣诞活动!!  ...2345 stepd27 2006-12-17 417078 Dennisbaby 2019-9-23 16:33:54
[翻唱] √◆B.fame.F◆Gabe - Angels (Originally by Robbie Williams) Happy B'day to 球球 attachment  ...23 Gabe914 2007-8-24 235603 Dennisbaby 2019-9-23 16:17:28
[翻唱] Nothing's gonna change my life for you- George Benson版 attachment fsclygod 2019-5-5 61860 fsclygod 2019-9-21 17:12:05
[翻唱] √step转型啦~~《fly by》----blue attachment  ...23 stepd27 2007-3-27 254747 酒吞童子 2019-9-21 09:55:39
[翻唱] 挑战Lil Wayne&Chris Brown 的Gimme that attachment agree  ...2345 fsclygod 2009-8-21 4510091 strongm0002 2019-9-20 09:43:15
[翻唱] 《NOW AND FOREVER》好像是《赌命鸳鸯》的主题曲? attachment justin1120 2008-6-14 11485 strongm0002 2019-9-18 21:14:14
[翻唱] √◆B.fame.F◆奇奇 首次尝试拉丁曲风 使不上劲的《Sway》发来催眠啦~ attachment  ...2 弗兰奇 2007-10-29 123045 strongm0002 2019-9-18 20:53:38
[翻唱] land of thousand words Scissor Sisters attachment athenalin 2008-6-13 11337 strongm0002 2019-9-18 20:04:06
[翻唱] Stand 0304-试唱版 attachment 小メ妖 2008-6-13 11444 strongm0002 2019-9-18 19:51:21
[翻唱] √《GONE》~~诚意翻唱。大家听听看哈:) attachment  ...234 justin1120 2008-5-25 384801 strongm0002 2019-9-18 19:46:07
√[翻唱]男生低音伦敦腔版smile - lilly allen  ...23 熊猫奶爸 2006-12-3 254876 strongm0002 2019-9-18 17:49:37
[翻唱] √[翻唱]because of you - kelly clarkson  ...234 hamit1215 2006-9-13 337094 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:45:55
[翻唱] √大后天要高考了发首歌!THANK YOU-DIDO滴 attachment  ...2 magic52mj 2008-6-3 102509 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:44:49
[翻唱] 哈哈 ```唱了together attachment 三曹 2008-6-10 71806 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:43:38
[翻唱] Because of you--Kelly Clarkson omigamouse 2006-10-4 92589 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:38:15
[翻唱] I will always love you - sopranoli attachment sopranoli 2007-5-12 62339 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:36:30
[翻唱] hey jude attachment 二愣子 2008-6-7 11460 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:25:36
[翻唱] 我可怜的嗓子。。世上最难听的HERO,大家来听听吧,无任何后期制作(外放) Fighter123 2007-7-12 72420 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:23:19
√[翻唱] toxic!!!!!  ...2 ┲T 2006-10-4 153673 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:22:06
[翻唱] √Tell him-STEPD27&球球 attachment  ...2 超级球迷 2007-1-18 183641 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:20:28
[翻唱] √put your records on attachment Juliet0807 2008-5-17 32094 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:19:02
[翻唱] A thousand dreams of you - 晗晓 韩晓 2008-5-25 21908 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:17:33
[翻唱] √仅供娱乐 MY WAY attachment 三曹 2008-6-5 31717 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:16:04
√[翻唱]最快速录好的《DUST IN THE WIND》  ...2 抹茶猪头 2006-11-23 143247 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:13:36
[翻唱] I could be the one -- Donna Lewis attachment dimple_lee 2007-8-8 72071 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:12:01
√[翻唱]此情可待的原唱Richardmarx----Now and Forever  ...2 cdcd109 2006-7-13 125529 strongm0002 2019-9-18 16:09:10
[翻唱] √女声演绎Linkin park-numb! attachment  ...23 jojoyeah 2007-8-17 275602 strongm0002 2019-9-18 15:56:15
[翻唱] √MpT菲菲 - Show And Tell(*)*不写你们也知道。。。 attachment  ...2 ssf 2008-5-30 112846 strongm0002 2019-9-18 15:47:38
[翻唱] √UNBRELLA - rihanna attachment  ...2 yorktran 2007-8-30 153948 strongm0002 2019-9-18 15:44:58

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