


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] √来仙来将近2年的第一首歌,Because of you attachment  ...23456..8 britneylee 2007-7-8 7411680 merlin552026 2010-12-25 15:48:00
[翻唱] 【littlest things】- 某M凄凉版~~ attachment heatlevel  ...23456 melodia 2010-6-24 5611679 zwy810905 2015-6-18 01:26:36
[翻唱] Love Story - Taylor Swift attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 nataliel 2010-2-17 7111657 ChicDAN 2014-8-7 17:57:10
[翻唱] E.T. (Futuristic Lover) - Katy Perry 姐沉寂了很久 终于又挤出一首歌来了。。。求关注啊求关注。。 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 iandee 2011-4-16 5111649 完美天枰 2013-7-23 15:58:52
[翻唱] 啊,小泽玛丽亚...........................................不解释........ attachment  ...23456..8 gaoyabala 2009-10-2 7511641 bobliusirui 2015-9-24 16:17:37
[翻唱] ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ Better In Time ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ 這是一首好歌!!! attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 ZoeViya 2009-10-18 6711618 cinderellaly 2012-1-12 12:39:27
[翻唱] 【xianlai idol复赛歌曲】Jason Dderulo--In My Head 【殺手】 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 殺手 2010-4-19 5611591 kangjune 2015-10-16 23:50:09
[翻唱] √Think of me(from音乐剧《歌剧魅影》)球球惊天大反串!! attachment agree  ...23456..8 超级球迷 2007-1-15 7211581 wukakaok 2011-7-6 06:24:22
[翻唱] 超完美制作 Britney Spears 新歌- 3 (18禁) attachment agree  ...23456..9 殺手 2009-10-2 8311557 jeanchan 2012-2-8 15:51:05
☆MP·T☆Underneath The Stars - rachel仙来纪念版  ...23456..9 rachelcb 2005-10-7 8011545 蔓珠沙華 2011-7-4 22:41:46
[翻唱] 【Xianlai Idol复赛】-【Today was a fairy tale】-小啊同学-taylor swift attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 小啊同学 2010-4-16 7611535 devil998899 2011-12-25 03:51:05
[翻唱] √Desperado--老鹰乐队 attachment agree  ...23456 liuzhongqing 2007-9-28 5511525 zxbsing 2012-12-1 14:03:11
[翻唱] poker face。。整死我啦。。多多指教 attachment  ...23456..10 little-pong 2009-8-13 9011478 little-pong 2010-3-1 23:50:51
[翻唱] 灵魂热歌 Adele - 《 Rolling In The Deep 》 By 殺手『单轨』 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 殺手 2011-2-28 6011453 AllByMyself 2012-4-20 20:59:00
√[翻唱]Lady Marmalade男版 - Christina ,Pink,Lil' Kim和Mya  ...23456..7 jujumiaojun 2006-7-22 6211440 xue8013 2014-5-9 00:50:18
[翻唱] √Gimme more - Britney Spears (做了好多效果,和原唱不一样了) attachment agree  ...23456 jessicaok 2007-10-26 5811416 strongm0002 2016-12-18 20:34:49
[翻唱] 【Sega】男版《without you》mariah carey 精品 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 Sega_JL 2010-3-1 4511413 zwy810905 2015-6-30 23:06:48
√[翻唱]Everytime - Misssprout  ...23456..8 bluespace123 2006-1-17 7211349 strongm0002 2019-9-23 19:27:51
[翻唱] Hotel California(女生版)  ...2345 Oo玉玉♀ 2006-9-8 4111319 GANAZHAO 2009-9-17 10:32:10
[翻唱] Lady Gaga 《Paparazzi》 ~我也试试,男生来唱一段 attachment  ...23456..8 drun 2009-9-28 7611292 weichangshu 2012-8-10 14:48:04
[翻唱] Grenade (Bruno Mars cover) Guitar Acoustic Version attachment heatlevel  ...23456 britneylee 2010-12-21 5211288 316291303 2013-3-26 20:18:11
[翻唱] ★★T.GROUP★★JaLane与"饶舌? tabindex= digest  ...23456 JaLane 2005-2-2 5611286 zdp321 2009-5-3 15:35:43
√[翻唱]★MP·T★ 大U&菲菲 - LIKE U  ...23456..9 ssf 2006-2-10 8811282 小阿凯 2009-5-29 04:16:04
[翻唱] ★numb-encore(linkin park&jay-z)虽然有很多人录过,但我还是要挑战自己 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 safelos222 2009-7-7 5811279 spcx160 2012-3-24 16:17:50
[翻唱] 『小奈』You And I by Michael Buble To掘丫头小简 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 Wunai 2010-3-5 5411277 吉光片羽 2018-9-23 13:40:34
[翻唱] Love The Way You Lie Part II来了!!只是没有后面Rap.. attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 andy20039 2010-12-3 6911272 52blacksing 2012-1-18 08:48:48
√[飙歌]嘿嘿!15岁妹妹录的<Complicated>,不可小看啊!后生可畏!  ...23456..9 美蕊Sun 2006-6-27 8311272 为了重逢而分别 2008-10-5 14:15:50
[翻唱] [Yellow]--Coldplay经典 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 hinky 2009-12-15 6711258 zelltry 2012-5-25 18:52:43
[翻唱] CRY ME OUTCRY ME OUT一年没录歌了 再次感谢limu的伴奏~!谢谢~ attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..7 zorro66 2011-1-5 6311229 zorro66 2011-4-21 12:45:49
[翻唱] 七夕 Fallin' (alicia keys) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 弦外之ào 2010-8-16 5311188 Dawn.DM 2014-4-20 14:33:12
[翻唱] √★MP·T☆Tremble - Before He Cheats attachment digest  ...2345 bluespace123 2007-9-21 4311172 jason_0536 2013-9-16 09:44:28
√[翻唱]Just one last Dance-刺香 feat Robin  ...23456 HommeMelody 2006-5-16 5611158 Amber_chen 2010-11-9 18:20:57
[翻唱] 我翻唱的adele的<someone like you>男生版 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 dannywjz 2012-5-9 5311147 Dennisbaby 2017-9-2 19:19:49
√[翻唱]U DON’T MISS UR WATER大半年没录歌了@@  ...23456..11 寒极 2006-7-31 10111134 小阿凯 2007-5-31 14:56:17
[翻唱] ★★★品质翻唱:男生版Listen,不听后悔哦!!!★★★ attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Fighter123 2010-9-23 6111076 蛋挞君 2014-3-31 20:14:39
[翻唱] √☆MP·T★新进成员tremble - The Color OF My LOVE (6月2日更新) !!! attachment agree  ...23456..7 tremble 2007-5-28 6511072 Wunai 2009-12-4 00:22:33
√[翻唱] ★★T- Group★★.Thank God I Found You - by Joey ft JaLane & Mcboy  ...23456..7 mcboy 2006-3-9 6111069 魔声涡轮 2010-11-11 17:39:10
√[翻唱] Fever - 翻唱Michael Buble的版本,不是那么难听  ...23456 juergenzhao 2006-2-9 5911062 cater2u 2012-6-9 01:16:38
[翻唱] 【BJ ft 熊猫】If I Never See Your Face Again -- Maroon5 ft Rihanna attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 熊猫Shirley 2010-3-16 4611050 寂蓝 2012-4-12 01:03:11
[翻唱] 注意!出现新声音了:Dido ---Thank you attachment  ...23456..8 Vivian_Tsi 2008-12-13 7011047 wyy2311445 2012-3-2 12:20:17

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